This PhD programme is coordinated by ITQB NOVA, and aims to train researchers in plant sciences to address key biological questions related to plant growth and development, plant responses to environmental stress, improvement of crop varieties, and plant products. The research areas of the PhD projects fall within different GREEN-IT strategic areas and will provide opportunities for acquiring a multidisciplinary background, including advanced molecular tools and novel sensor-based plant phenotyping techniques that will boost career development and improve critical mass in this field. Applicants should hold an MSc in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agronomy or related fields, and intend to further extend their knowledge in Plant Sciences.
GREEN-IT gathers researchers from five world-class institutes for biosciences and biotechnology – ITQB NOVA, IGC, INIAV, iBET, and INSA. GREEN-IT looks to address the challenge of ensuring food security and adequate resources for a growing human population, by deciphering the basic mechanisms of plant-environment interactions and translating knowledge into innovation for plant breeding, while guaranteeing environmental sustainability. PhD students will have access to a portfolio of projects, joining labs from two different GREEN-IT institutions and will be supervised by two recognized experts in the specific topics.
For more information on the PhD Programme admission, please contact Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar., or read the public announcement available here. Applications can be submitted following the link.